Country Report



Oceania, Polynesia

Open Internet Environment

The open Internet allows people and organizations to mix and match technologies without permission and with minimal barriers. Sustaining and growing an open Internet helps to spur innovation and keep it fit for future applications. An open Internet is an accessible Internet – it is easy to connect to the open Internet and use its services.
Transit Provider Diversity
More diversity in routes to the global Internet improves connection resilience
Retail ISP Diversity
Diversity of retail Internet providers improves resilience and user choice
Very Poor

Secure and Trustworthy Internet

A secure Internet is resistant to attacks on its infrastructure, delivering a robust service to its user community. A trustworthy Internet meets the expectations of its users by offering a resilient and reliable base for applications and services.
Naming Security Status
Adopting DNSSEC improves trustworthiness of Internet communications
DNSSEC Status Icon
Naming Security Adoption
A measure of how much local Internet users are protected by DNSSEC
Regional Rank: 24
Oceania avg.
Routing Security Adoption
A measure of how much local Internet providers are checking validity of connectivity information they receive from other networks
Regional Rank: 8
Oceania avg.
Routing Security Coverage IPv4
One measure of how much local Internet network providers are securing their infrastructure
Regional Rank: 18
Oceania avg.
Routing Security Coverage IPv6
Top 5
One measure of how much local Internet network providers are securing their infrastructure
Regional Rank: 1
Oceania avg.

The geographic boundaries and country names shown do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Internet Society concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area of its authorities. Regions and Sub-Regions are taken from the UN Standard Country or Area Codes for Statistical Use (Series M, No. 49).