Enabling Technologies

New technologies are essential to enable the Internet to keep growing, evolving and meeting the changing expectations of users. Enabling technologies contribute to improved Internet scalability, security, trust and availability.

Internet Society Pulse curates information about levels of IPv6 adoption in countries and networks around the world, progress being made towards an encrypted web, indicators of DNSSEC adoption by the registries for country-code domain names, and data on worldwide adoption of TLS1.3 and HTTP/3.



Current percentage of top 1000 websites globally that support HTTPS.



Current percentage of top 1000 websites globally that support IPv6.



Current percentage of top 1000 websites globally that support TLS 1.3.

The geographic boundaries and country names shown on this site do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Internet Society concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area of its authorities. Dotted and dashed lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement. We use ISO 3166 country codes and names. We show boundaries as indicated by the UN Geospatial Network.

Region Data
Africa 76% 5% 49%
Oceania 81% 11% 57%
Americas 83% 22% 65%
Asia 78% 22% 69%
Europe 90% 22% 86%
Sub-Region Data
South America 72% 30% 81%
Western Africa 75% 4% 47%
Central America 79% 24% 50%
Eastern Africa 72% 5% 59%
Northern Africa 76% 5% 67%
Middle Africa 80% 8% 0%
Southern Africa 86% 1% 80%
Northern America 97% 28% 100%
Caribbean 89% 17% 52%
Eastern Asia 78% 31% 75%
Southern Asia 69% 31% 67%
South-eastern Asia 75% 23% 91%
Southern Europe 88% 12% 62%
Australia and New Zealand 96% 32% 83%
Melanesia 61% 9% 80%
Micronesia 95% 3% 43%
Polynesia 97% 15% 40%
Central Asia 75% 5% 80%
Western Asia 84% 16% 50%
Eastern Europe 84% 20% 100%
Northern Europe 95% 22% 94%
Western Europe 91% 41% 100%

Global Growth of Enabling Technologies

The charts below show the global growth of key enabling technologies – TLS1.3, HTTP/3, IPv6 and DNSSEC – over time using the latest information from our data partners.

TLS1.3 Permanent link


Many popular Internet applications like e-mail and web browsers use Transport Layer Security (TLS) to secure traffic against eavesdropping and against data being tampered with while in transit between clients and servers. Over time, flaws in early versions of TLS have been identified leading to substantial improvements to the protocol.

The latest version, TLS 1.3, provides enhanced security and fewer ways for attackers to find new flaws. TLS 1.3 has also been shown to improve performance, with secure connections taking less time to be established. This helps to demonstrate that optimizations can be made without compromising on security. Improving the security of Internet applications of all kinds is imperative for a healthy and growing Internet.

TLS Version adoption (data source: Mozilla Firefox Telemetry)

HTTP/3 Permanent link


Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a fundamental part of the World Wide Web. In addition to powering the web, HTTP is increasingly used to transfer data between Internet-connected devices of all kinds. The latest version of HTTP (HTTP/3) marks quite a radical departure from the past by adopting a completely new transport protocol (QUIC).

The ability for the Internet to embrace HTTP/3 indicates the Internet’s capacity to keep evolving and supporting new applications. As the Internet has matured, deploying new protocols to improve performance and/or security can be difficult. The introduction of a new transport protocol for something as popular and important as HTTP is a real test of the capacity of today’s Internet to continue to support growth and innovation. 

HTTP/3 Adoption (data source: Mozilla Firefox Telemetry)

IPv6 Permanent link


IPv6 is the latest version of the fundamental technology (Internet Protocol) that powers the Internet. The previous version, IPv4, is still in operation on many networks around the world but it can only support an Internet of a few billion devices. By contrast, IPv6 can support an Internet of billions of billions of devices and can provide enough address space to meet the needs of the growing Internet for decades to come. Simply put, the Internet has outgrown its original design and IPv6 is the solution.

Internet Society Pulse presents measurements of IPv6 adoption to raise awareness of the different levels of IPv6 adoption in different countries and networks around the globe, and to encourage greater adoption of this important enabling technology.

Global IPv6 deployment (data sources: APNIC, Facebook and Google)

DNSSEC Permanent link


Just about every Internet communication starts with a Domain Name System (DNS) lookup. The DNS is an essential piece of Internet infrastructure that translates human-friendly names (internetsociety.org) into computer-friendly numbers (2001:41c8:20::b31a).

Like many other components of the Internet, the DNS started out in an insecure form in a vastly different Internet landscape. Today, security and trustworthiness are vital foundations for the ongoing evolution and growth of a robust Internet that benefits users everywhere. DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) was developed to provide an additional level of security using cryptographic techniques to validate the authenticity of DNS information.

Internet Society Pulse presents indicators of DNSSEC adoption by the registries for country-code domain names (ccTLDs) and a measurement of the use of DNSSEC validation by Internet hosts globally.

Percentage of ccTLD registries with operational DNSSEC and global DNSSEC validation rate (data sources: DNS, APNIC)

Route Validation Permanent link


The Internet is a network of networks. The network that you connect to learns about how to connect to other networks from the announcements that those other networks make via the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). Route validation is the process of checking that the announcements being received are legitimate.

Internet Society Pulse presents measurements of Route Validation adoption to raise awareness of the importance of Route Validation in improving the resilience of the global Internet, and to encourage greater adoption of this important enabling technology.

Global deployment of Route Validation (data source: RoVista)

ROA Coverage Permanent link


In order to bind the association between a specific network and the Internet address space that has been allocated to it, network operators can cryptographically sign records that make it possible for third-parties to verify the legitimacy of routing announcements. Generating these signed Route Origination Authorizations (ROAs) is the first step in building a more secure and resilient Internet routing infrastructure.

Internet Society Pulse presents measurements of the percentage of IPv4 and IPv6 address space for which ROAs have been generated to raise awareness of the importance of ROA Generation and to encourage more network operators to take this important step.

Percentage of address space covered by ROA (data source: APNIC)