The difference in scale between IPv4 and IPv6 is so vast that it’s difficult to represent clearly. Here’s one way to visualize it.
GlobalSign’s growing popularity among the top 1,000 most popular websites as the preferred SSL certificate authority has changed the global balance of market concentration.
Understanding the limitations and fluctuations in data can help build a more reliable narrative about IPv6 adoption.
Study finds that networks’ geographical area of service, size, business category and complexity of address space delegation impact RPKI adoption.
Can potential design pitfalls inform efforts to make DNSSEC more operator-friendly?
In light of the 14th anniversary of the World IPv6 Launch this month, let’s look back at the last decade of IPv6 deployment.
The country-code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) for Botswana, .bw, is once again secured with DNSSEC.
Nearly all of Iran’s IPv6 address space vanished from the global routing table, dropping the country’s IPv6 adoption rate from 15—20% to 2%.
In 2023, partially protected network routes nearly doubled from 44% to 81%, while fully protected network routes doubles from 9% to 18%.