Most ccTLDs have redundancy in place but not across all critical metrics, particularly multiple TLDs and Anycast for IPv6.
A new study shows that half of the top 10 most popular VPNs used today are vulnerable to having their routes intercepted by an attacker.
DNS usage patterns are sometimes influenced by external factors like censorship or surveillance. Understanding these patterns can give important insights into the local Internet landscape.
Newly proposed funding from the World Bank funding comes at a critical point in Zambia’s Internet development and will allow it to expand on some critical foundational components it has already established.
It is no longer sufficient to consider broadband access alone when considering the digital divide.
What impact is Kenya’s growing number of power outages having on its Internet resilience?
Internet resilience is usually considered from a technical point of view, with little consideration given to social implications that impact connectivity decisions.
Venezuela has undergone one of the most profound non-war crises in modern history that has significantly impacted the country’s critical Internet infrastructure.
The Chadian Internet faces structural problems that require structural solutions.