This Indian state wants to be a tech hub. But the government keeps shutting down the Internet

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November 4, 2024

The internet shutdown and communal violence put a sudden stop to Manipur’s rapidly growing startup scene. In 2021 and 2022, Manipur registered 33 and 31 startups, respectively — a higher number than most other Northeast Indian states, according to government data. The actual number, however, is much higher, workers at Manipur startups told Rest of World.

Manipur’s startup ecosystem started growing in 2018 when the state government launched Startup Manipur, an initiative to promote economic growth and generate large-scale employment. The state earmarked 150 crore rupees (around $18 million) to be spent over five years to build incubators and accelerators, provide financial support to startups, and offer a supportive regulatory framework for local entrepreneurs.

VIA Rest of the World

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