11 June, 2023 04:00 - 08:30 (4 hours)
Local Impact
Iraq has again experienced an exam-related Internet shutdown, the fifth such scheduled shutdown by the government since 1 June 2023.
As we have repeatedly written about here on Pulse, Internet shutdowns cause great harm to a country’s economy and society and are in our opinion NOT the appropriate mechanism to cope with potential exam cheating.
Data and Analysis
IODA measurements show a drop in Internet connectivity in Iraq beginning around 1:00 UTC and resuming around 5:30 UTC. You can also see the previous three of the five previous shutdowns that have happened since 1 June.

Cloudflare Radar shows the start of the outage, along with the three previous exam-related outages since 1 June.

Economic Impact
USD $4,975,143
Shutdown Type
Pulse Analysis
- Iraq: Four Exam-Related Internet Shutdowns in the Last Eight Days [8 June]
- Iraq Experiences Third Exam-Related Shutdown For Year [6 June]
- Second Exam-Related Internet Shutdown, Iraq [4 June]
- Despite Cost to Economy, Iraq Imposes Internet Shutdown During Exams [1 June]
- Iraq Ministry of Communication Takes Positive Action Against Shutdowns [22 May]