For a fourth day, the Algerian government is shutting down the Internet for the entire country during school exams, following the pattern of the last few days. Data from Cloudflare Radar and IODA show that Algeria appears to be following a similar pattern to last year, with a longer outage in the morning and then a second outage in the afternoon. As we noted in our post about exam-related shutdowns in 2024, these Baccalaureate exams go from 9-13 June 2024. We expect to see daily shutdowns on these days.
In analyzing the data, it appears that the Algerian government is engaging in content blocking whereby the actual Internet connections remain active, but the Internet service providers are ordered to block certain sites, including social media networks and messaging sites.
As we have repeatedly written about here on Pulse, Internet shutdowns cause great harm to a country’s economy and society and are in our opinion not the appropriate mechanism to cope with potential exam cheating
There has not yet been a formal statement from the government of Algeria. In fact, media reports indicated that the Minister of Education had previously stated that there would not be Internet shutdowns this year’s exams. In a session last week, the Minister of Education outlined the operations for the 2024 Baccalaureate exams and did not mention any form of an Internet shutdown. However, without any warning the Internet was shut down in the similar manner to how the government has shut down Internet access in past years during the exams.
Today IODA recorded a drop in Internet traffic in Algeria on 12 June 2024 from 7:00 UTC (8:00 local time) to 10:00 UTC (11:00 local time) and a second shutdown again starting at 13:30 UTC (14:30 local time) that we expect to go until 15:30 UTC (16:30 local time). In the chart below you can see the pattern since 9 June.

Similarly the Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI) continues to show problems with WhatsApp messaging on 12 June:

Fun fact
Since 2016, Algeria has deployed a policy in which complete internet access across the entire nation is revoked for 10 hours a day for an entire week, this includes citizens, services and businessesThey are STILL forced to attempt operating under this in the year 2024
— Zenzo ✨SP✨ (@ZenzoSP) June 11, 2024
This policy was enacted in an effort to prevent *high schoolers* from cheating in exams, at the expense of quite literally everybody
Several companies & businesses are forced to operate at a net loss and rather simply not offer their services at this time
I live in this country
— Zenzo ✨SP✨ (@ZenzoSP) June 11, 2024
Le fait que l’Algerie coupe internet dans TOUT LE PAYS quand y’a le bac 🪐🪐🪐🪐
— azzu (@ohmayaaaak) June 12, 2024
- BAC 2024 : les Algériens font de nouveau face aux coupures internet ! (Algérie 360)
- L’Algérie bloque la connexion à Internet durant la semaine du bac 2024 (ObservAlgé
- BEM et BAC 2024 : les consignes de Belabed (l’Algérie aujourd’hui)
- Le ministre de l’Education préside une conférence nationale sur le suivi des opérations relatives à l’examen du Bac (Algérie Presse Service)
- En Algérie, Internet coupé pendant les épreuves du bac (La Croix)