Syria: Exam Season 2022 Internet Shutdowns

Picture of Hanna Kreitem
Disruptions Observer, Internet Society
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June 14, 2022

General entrance exams in Syria took place from 30 May to 21 June, 2022, and alongside them came Internet shutdowns implemented as a measure to combat cheating. As is the case since 2016, Internet access was disrupted for everyone, rendering Syria out of reach from the world for a few hours on each day with scheduled exams.

For the second round of exams, running between 1 and 11 August 2022, we have noticed distribution on 1, 4, 7, and 9 August.

The latest data and measurements related to the 2022 exam season can be found here.

This year the exams were scheduled as follows:

Formal Exam Schedule for the year 2022, Scientific and Literary Streams, first round

DateExam Subject
02/06/22Arabic Language
14/06/22National Education
16/06/22Religion Studies
19/06/22English Language

Formal Exam Schedule for the year 2022, Scientific and Literary Streams, second round

DateExam Subject
02/08/22French/Russian Languages
03/08/22Religion Studies
07/08/22Arabic Language
08/08/22National Education
10/08/22English Language
Table 1 — Based on an official statement from the Syrian Government. Source

Previous shutdowns

2021 Exam Season:

2020 Exam Season:

2019 Exam Season:

Photo by abd sarakbi on Unsplash