Country Reports

Saint Barthélemy


  1. Internet Society rates the choice of Internet service providers as very poor.
  2. Out of the 1000 most-visited websites, 30% can be reached on a local server or cache in Saint Barthélemy. This falls below Internet Society's target of 50%.
  3. In Saint Barthélemy, there are 2 data centers and there is 1 active IXP.

Internet Usage Permanent link

Average download speed

Based on an average of 300 users

  • No data Mbps


  • No data Mbps


Network Infrastructure Permanent link

Mobile 4G and 5G coverage

No data

has access to at least one device with 4G mobile Internet

No data

has access to at least one device with 5G mobile Internet

Active networks

The building blocks of the Internet, identified by Autonomous System (AS) numbers.


active networks

International connections

Routes to the global Internet

Upstream diversity is

Very Poor

More than 2 connections to the global Internet improves the ability to recover from unexpected events.

Adoption of IPv6


of users can access online resources using IPv6, the new generation of the Internet Protocol

Americas average

Market Overview Permanent link

Data centers

Number of data centers in operation


active data centers

Internet Exchange Points


IXP in Saint Barthélemy

Americas average
25% of 4

registered networks connect via an IXP

Total number of IXP members in Saint Barthélemy

Locally cached content


of the top 1000 websites in Saint Barthélemy can be accessed through an in-country server or cache

Americas average

Top Internet service providers

Top Internet Service Providers (ISPs) by market share


Market competition

Very Poor

market competitiveness for Internet customers and end users

Security Permanent link

Routing security practices

The use of resource public key infrastructure (RPKI), which connects IP prefixes to the correct autonomous system (AS)


Route origin authorization uses a cryptographic signature to certify network announcements

  • 100%
    of IPv4 prefixes protected
  • 6%
    of IPv6 prefixes protected


Route origin validation filters out route announcements

  • None
    of networks are using ROV to filter out invalid prefixes and networks

DNSSEC status

  • Inactive

Adoption of DNSSEC


of DNS queries are protected by DNSSEC, across all web traffic

Americas average

Footnotes Permanent link

The geographic boundaries and country names shown do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Internet Society concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area of its authorities. Regions and Sub-Regions are taken from the UN Standard Country or Area Codes for Statistical Use (Series M, No. 49).

Pulse uses the most recent possible data from international sources. For some indicators in Pulse, the source data may be updated more frequently. For more information on how often we update individual data points, see the Indicator page.