IXP Details: NAPAfrica IX Johannesburg

Growth and coverage

Coverage score

Proportion of the local networks that can be reached through this IXP. (Source data available through the Pulse API.)

45.59 %
of ASNs

How this IXP has grown over time

The number of members in this IXP, shown along with the total capacity available.


Countries of registration

AS Types

AS Name ASN AS Type Member Since RS Peer Speed Registration Country
Accelerit 327996 Cable/DSL/ISP June 8, 2018 Yes 30000 South Africa
Satellite Software 328001 Cable/DSL/ISP Jan. 30, 2017 Yes 10000 South Africa
Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality 328006 July 16, 2016 Yes 1000 South Africa
BEONLINE TWENTY FOUR SEVEN INTERNET 328009 Cable/DSL/ISP March 29, 2017 Yes 10000 South Africa
Gigazone Networks 328024 Cable/DSL/ISP July 18, 2016 Yes 10000 South Africa
Web Telecom Services (PTY) Ltd 328029 Content Oct. 26, 2021 Yes 10000 South Africa
Routed Hosting 328032 NSP Aug. 10, 2016 No 10000 South Africa
WiFi Resources (Pty) Ltd 328036 NSP May 10, 2018 No 10000 South Africa
Optify Systems 328037 Content May 2, 2017 Yes 20000 South Africa
Hitec Sure 328038 Cable/DSL/ISP Feb. 8, 2017 Yes 10000 South Africa
JSDAAV 328039 Cable/DSL/ISP July 8, 2016 Yes 1000 South Africa
Hollywood Sportsbook Holdings 328041 Enterprise Feb. 1, 2022 Yes 10000 South Africa
Multichoice Support Services 328045 Oct. 12, 2018 No 200000 South Africa
Haupt Online (Pty) Ltd 328049 Cable/DSL/ISP Oct. 14, 2016 Yes 1000 South Africa
Go Communications Network 328051 Cable/DSL/ISP Jan. 28, 2017 Yes 20000 South Africa
TELCO S.A 328061 Dec. 7, 2023 Yes 10000 Comoros
Active Fibre 328068 Cable/DSL/ISP Oct. 3, 2016 Yes 20000 South Africa
KLIQ 328074 Oct. 25, 2018 Yes 1000 South Africa
UNIWISP 328106 NSP March 22, 2018 Yes 10000 South Africa
AllWorldIT ZA 328112 NSP Feb. 23, 2017 Yes 10000 South Africa
Comsol Networks 328114 NSP July 5, 2017 Yes 20000 South Africa
BUI 328119 Enterprise June 19, 2019 No 1000 South Africa
Forbtech 328125 May 26, 2017 Yes 1000 South Africa
Orange CDN 328126 Content Nov. 19, 2020 Yes 10000 Tunisia
Web sQuad Connect 328137 Cable/DSL/ISP Aug. 10, 2017 Yes 40000 South Africa