IXP Details: NAPAfrica IX Cape Town

Growth and coverage

Coverage score

Proportion of the local networks that can be reached through this IXP. (Source data available through the Pulse API.)

26.10 %
of ASNs

How this IXP has grown over time

The number of members in this IXP, shown along with the total capacity available.


Countries of registration

AS Types

AS Name ASN AS Type Member Since RS Peer Speed Registration Country
Swisscom 3303 Cable/DSL/ISP July 4, 2018 Yes 100 Switzerland
ThoughtExpress Semantic Technology 37691 July 27, 2016 Yes 100 South Africa
Epsilon 44356 NSP Aug. 17, 2020 Yes 150 United Kingdom
NAPAfrica Route Collectors 37186 Route Collector Oct. 11, 2019 Yes 1000 South Africa
Johannesburg Wireless User Group 328206 Non-Profit Jan. 7, 2019 Yes 1000 South Africa
Mossnet 328461 Cable/DSL/ISP Aug. 16, 2019 Yes 1000 South Africa
123NET fibre 61092 Cable/DSL/ISP Feb. 27, 2018 Yes 1000 South Africa
MyTelnet 37482 Cable/DSL/ISP Dec. 14, 2017 Yes 1000 South Africa
Telemasters 37673 Cable/DSL/ISP Dec. 20, 2017 Yes 1000 South Africa
Active Fibre 328068 Cable/DSL/ISP July 16, 2018 Yes 1000 South Africa
Currant Technologies 36898 Cable/DSL/ISP Aug. 4, 2015 No 1000 South Africa
Comsol Networks 328114 NSP July 5, 2017 Yes 1000 South Africa
Sportpesa South Africa 328260 Oct. 4, 2018 Yes 1000 South Africa
Payd 328043 Enterprise May 2, 2018 Yes 1000 South Africa
Easyweb Internet 37150 Cable/DSL/ISP Oct. 6, 2015 Yes 1000 South Africa
VeriSign Global Registry Services 26415 NSP April 13, 2017 No 1000 United States of America
Telsense 329035 Cable/DSL/ISP Sept. 6, 2022 Yes 1000 South Africa
T-SYSTEMS SOUTH AFRICA 3067 NSP Aug. 22, 2016 No 1000 South Africa
PCH AS3856 3856 Educational/Research Jan. 21, 2015 Yes 1000 United States of America
Business Services 37549 Cable/DSL/ISP Oct. 17, 2017 Yes 1000 South Africa
Routed Hosting 328032 NSP Aug. 10, 2016 No 1000 South Africa
Your Communications 328441 Cable/DSL/ISP April 13, 2019 Yes 1000 South Africa
BytesNET 37525 NSP March 28, 2018 Yes 1000 South Africa
PCH AS42 42 Educational/Research June 29, 2017 Yes 1000 United States of America
Equationnet 37627 Cable/DSL/ISP May 29, 2019 No 1000 South Africa