IXP Details: Grenada Internet Exchange Point - GREX
- Country: Grenada
- City: St. George's
- Website: http://ix.gd
- Members: 11 (View members)
Growth and coverage
Coverage score
Proportion of the local networks that can be reached through this IXP. (Source data available through the Pulse API.)
63.64 %
of ASNs
How this IXP has grown over time
The number of members in this IXP, shown along with the total capacity available.
Countries of registration
AS Types
AS Name | ASN | AS Type | Member Since | RS Peer | Speed | Registration Country |
GreenDot Grenada Ltd | 393629 | Cable/DSL/ISP | Aug. 18, 2017 | No | 1000 | Grenada |
AIsleCom | 393682 | NSP | Oct. 19, 2017 | Yes | 1000 | Grenada |
Grenada Co-operative Bank | 399273 | Enterprise | Nov. 29, 2021 | No | 1000 | Grenada |
GOV-GD | 30272 | Government | March 21, 2020 | No | 5000 | Grenada |
PCH AS3856 | 3856 | Educational/Research | June 29, 2017 | Yes | 10000 | United States of America |
Akamai Technologies | 20940 | Content | May 6, 2020 | No | 10000 | Netherlands |
DIGICEL Grenada | 395561 | Cable/DSL/ISP | May 26, 2020 | Yes | 10000 | Saint Lucia |
ASN-MCNET-GD | 401400 | Network Services | July 10, 2017 | Yes | 10000 | Grenada |
Columbus Communications Grenada | 46650 | Cable/DSL/ISP | July 8, 2017 | Yes | 20000 | Grenada |
GND-DATACENTER | 40701 | Network Services | May 28, 2024 | No | 20000 | Grenada |
Cloudflare | 13335 | Content | Dec. 10, 2019 | No | 100000 | United States of America |