IXP Tracker
An Internet exchange point (IXPs) is a physical place, sometimes inside a data center, where different networks send traffic to one another. This is known as peering, and is how one network operator can send data from their network to another, without having to pay. Peering is part of what makes Internet services faster, more reliable, and cheaper. IXPs are vital nodes in the peering ecosystem, and an important part of the global Internet.
Active Internet Exchange Points
The total number of IXPs in operation in Japan, as of February 2025.
IXP capacity growth over time in Japan
The total of IXPs over time, shown along with the growth in combined capacity.
Country Reports
Internet Society Pulse Country Reports consolidate and provide context for the data that we collect and curate via the four Pulse research tracks. See the country report for Japan.
IXPs in Japan
IXP Name | Location |
BroadBand Internet eXchange Fukuoka - BBIX Fukuoka | Fukuoka |
BroadBand Internet eXchange Osaka - BBIX Osaka | Osaka |
BroadBand Internet eXchange Tokyo - BBIX Tokyo | Tokyo |
Distributed IX in EDO (former NSPIXP2) - DIX-IE | Tokyo |
Echigo Internet Exchange - Echigo-IX | Niigata |
ENTERNET IX Segment | Tokyo |
Equinix Internet Exchange Osaka - Equinix Osaka | Osaka |
Equinix Internet Exchange Tokyo - Equinix Tokyo | Tokyo |
INIXP Asia | Tokyo,Osaka,Sapporo |
Japan Community IX - JCIX | Japan |
JPIX FUKUOKA | Fukuoka |
JPIX OSAKA | Osaka |
JPIX TOKYO | Tokyo |
JPNAP Fukuoka | Fukuoka |
JPNAP Osaka | Osaka |
JPNAP Sendai/Sapporo | Sendai/Sapporo |
JPNAP Tokyo | Tokyo |
JSMSR Networks MSR Virtual Internet Exchange - MSR IX | shibuya |
Ryukyus Internet Exchange - RIX (RYUKYUIX) | Urasoe, Naha, Ginoza, Nago, Uruma, Okinawa |
Wide NSPIXP3 | Osaka |