IXP Details: NAPAfrica IX Johannesburg

Growth and coverage

Coverage score

Proportion of the local networks that can be reached through this IXP. (Source data available through the Pulse API.)

45.59 %
of ASNs

How this IXP has grown over time

The number of members in this IXP, shown along with the total capacity available.


Countries of registration

AS Types

AS Name ASN AS Type Member Since RS Peer Speed Registration Country
Iclix 37542 Cable/DSL/ISP July 8, 2016 Yes 30000 South Africa
Bethnet 327892 Cable/DSL/ISP July 10, 2016 Yes 10000 South Africa
Hurricane Electric 6939 NSP July 15, 2016 Yes 100000 United States of America
Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality 328006 July 16, 2016 Yes 1000 South Africa
Gigazone Networks 328024 Cable/DSL/ISP July 18, 2016 Yes 10000 South Africa
Metacom Pty Ltd 327812 July 19, 2016 Yes 20000 South Africa
RMS Powertronics 327754 Cable/DSL/ISP July 20, 2016 Yes 10000 South Africa
ECN 36968 Cable/DSL/ISP July 21, 2016 Yes 10000 South Africa
Bosveld Communications 327966 Cable/DSL/ISP July 22, 2016 Yes 10000 South Africa
Trusc 327804 Cable/DSL/ISP July 25, 2016 Yes 10000 South Africa
PC Maniacs 327960 NSP July 28, 2016 Yes 10000 South Africa
Vanilla 37199 Cable/DSL/ISP Aug. 10, 2016 Yes 10000 South Africa
Routed Hosting 328032 NSP Aug. 10, 2016 No 10000 South Africa
Access Point Technologies 327761 NSP Aug. 22, 2016 Yes 1000 South Africa
ECOTECH Converge Pty (Ltd) 327908 Cable/DSL/ISP Aug. 23, 2016 Yes 1000 South Africa
iSPACE 327935 NSP Aug. 23, 2016 Yes 10000 South Africa
Automattic 2635 Content Aug. 24, 2016 Yes 100000 United States of America
Web4Africa 327813 Content Sept. 9, 2016 Yes 10000 South Africa
PacketSky 327962 Cable/DSL/ISP Sept. 20, 2016 Yes 10000 South Africa
Intelvision 36902 Cable/DSL/ISP Sept. 26, 2016 Yes 10000 Seychelles
Active Fibre 328068 Cable/DSL/ISP Oct. 3, 2016 Yes 20000 South Africa
Haupt Online (Pty) Ltd 328049 Cable/DSL/ISP Oct. 14, 2016 Yes 1000 South Africa
Borwood 29606 NSP Oct. 21, 2016 Yes 10000 United Kingdom
Kibo Connect 327936 Cable/DSL/ISP Oct. 31, 2016 Yes 20000 South Africa
MTN South Africa 16637 NSP Dec. 9, 2016 Yes 300000 South Africa