IXP Details: NAPAfrica IX Johannesburg

Growth and coverage

Coverage score

Proportion of the local networks that can be reached through this IXP. (Source data available through the Pulse API.)

45.59 %
of ASNs

How this IXP has grown over time

The number of members in this IXP, shown along with the total capacity available.


Countries of registration

AS Types

AS Name ASN AS Type Member Since RS Peer Speed Registration Country
HGMC1 328335 April 29, 2019 Yes 20000 South Africa
ORG-MTL14-AFRINIC 329402 Network Services April 1, 2017 Yes 20000 South Africa
KorCom (Pty) Ltd 328677 June 23, 2020 Yes 20000 South Africa
iboss Asia 137922 May 13, 2019 No 20000 United States of America
TWC Hosting 328631 Cable/DSL/ISP Sept. 11, 2020 Yes 20000 South Africa
Suretel 328467 Cable/DSL/ISP May 7, 2019 Yes 20000 South Africa
DataKeepers 328170 Enterprise May 13, 2019 Yes 20000 South Africa
Jebo Connect 328474 Cable/DSL/ISP June 26, 2019 Yes 20000 South Africa
Congo Telecom 37451 Cable/DSL/ISP June 4, 2019 No 20000 Congo
Netovate 328434 NSP May 14, 2019 Yes 20000 South Africa
Business Connexion 7020 NSP Nov. 20, 2015 Yes 20000 South Africa
VOConnect 37276 Cable/DSL/ISP Oct. 1, 2015 No 20000 South Africa
Mobile Telecommunications Ltd 37009 Cable/DSL/ISP Jan. 31, 2017 Yes 20000 Namibia
Backspace Technologies 328512 Cable/DSL/ISP Aug. 16, 2019 Yes 20000 South Africa
Agile Solutions Provider 328748 NSP Oct. 28, 2020 No 20000 South Africa
Yahoo! 10310 Content July 2, 2018 Yes 20000 United States of America
Green Flash Trading 72 ta Megs 37254 Cable/DSL/ISP July 18, 2015 No 20000 South Africa
Bharti Airtel Limited 9498 NSP May 5, 2023 No 20000 India
OTEL Telecoms 37356 Cable/DSL/ISP Aug. 26, 2013 Yes 20000 South Africa
LEC Communications 328567 Network Services Aug. 16, 2021 Yes 20000 Lesotho
Frogfoot Networks 22355 Cable/DSL/ISP April 6, 2014 Yes 20000 South Africa
WECOM 37731 NSP Nov. 5, 2022 Yes 20000 South Africa
China Telecom 4134 NSP April 17, 2023 No 20000 China
Masstores 328643 Oct. 10, 2024 Yes 20000 South Africa
UbuntuNet 36944 Educational/Research April 24, 2014 No 20000 Malawi